Digital Art, Illustration, Wallpapers & Comics Blog
Extremely bright abstract digital, neon tribal graffiti. This could be the third neon-tribal-graffiti digital-art project I’ve done… It’s probably more like the 300th… But here it is – I’m really happy with the technique....
Another quick sketch. This robot snake golem has been in the works for 4-5 hours. I’m getting better with textures and technique. I continue to walk the fine-line between generating concept-art and making cover-art…...
I found some time to sketch today and put together this cobra samurai robot graphic. I’m finally getting back in to sketching just because and am hopefully going to steer clear of any 40-hour...
Finished!… At least until I revisit it :) That was a lot of fun! I could keep going and perfect it more but it’s time to move on to a new subject. I’m glad...
I’ve been working on this sketch turned digital-painting on and off for over a month now. While trying to embrace backgrounds more and with that have uncovered the secret to background terrain: “mottling” using...
A co-worker once peeked over my shoulder and remarked “cool, it’s like the Matrix”… I had been having a difficult time with some javascript and responded “It’s the shit-abyss, Randy.” – This was a...
So I have this little problem… I take hours upon hours to complete artwork. And I’ve got other stuff to do so it takes me a really long time to finish anything… But I’m...
Ok, so it’s been a while, since I’ve blogged just for the sake of blogging. I’ve been doing some writing about web-development over at … But what about Adam the Artist, what’s making...